An encyclopaedia of movement
This section, also accessible above from the top menu, gives a history of both Wing Chun and our Club's history.
Our particular Wing Tsun lineage is outlined in this section.
Our particular Wing Tsun lineage is outlined in this section.
This section, provides information and links to schools we are affiliated with.
Directions to our club are given in this section.
Our particular Wing Tsun lineage is outlined in this section.
The Siu Nim Tau form is the basic entry form in Wing Tsun Kung Fu.
Training provided by the Association includes the three empty hand forms, Siu Nim Tau (Little Idea Form), the second form Chum Kiu (Arm-seeking Form) and finally Biu Tze (Thrusting fingers Form).
Chi Sau (Arm-clinging exercise) exercises also form a important partner training tool, which naturally leads to Free Fighting Techniques. Along with this training is also possible, without a partner, with the use of the Muk-Yan-Chong-Fa (Wooden Dummy Techniques) which develops higher level skills.
Weapons training is also taught at higher levels, which not only allow you to learn armed weapons skills, but also teaches you to use them as a natural extension of your own body. The weapons taught are the Luk-Dim-Boon-Kwun (Six-&-a Half-point Long Pole Techniques); Bart Cham Dao Fa (Eight-Cutting Broadswords Techniques).
An incremental grading system is used to test each practitioner as he or she advances through the system.
Jeet Sau, Dan Chi Sau, Chi Sau, Gor Sau are taught.
Go to Hong Kong to learn in that school.
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